What is EQ360?
As well as EQ-i 2.0, o EQ360 measures areas of Emotional Quotient but considering the percpetions of people around you, combining sel-perception with others who know you well perceptions.
EQ360 has several benefits for organizations, because it gives feedback to employees about the way they can increase their effectiveness, and for individuals because it allows to identify “blind spots” and focus their development where it will have more impact.
How does it work?
EQ360 it’s a way of assessing a person’s performance from various perspectives, not only his own, but also:
∙ Manager’s perspective;
∙ Direct Report’s perspective;
∙ Peer’s perspective;
∙ Friend’s and family’s perspective;
∙ Others considered relevants.
It is a holistic view of an individual and a feedback mechanism that allows an individual to compare how they see themselves to how others see them.
See how we do it:
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